Effects of the pandemic on queer communities in Germany

Queer Communities

After one year of the pandemic and multiple lockdowns, LGBTIQA+, queer people & families in Germany suffered a severe hit by the socio-economical and political crisis. This report focuses on the effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on queer communities in Germany.  Here are some of the key findings: Community Structures LGBTIQA+ associations offer counseling and support […]

SPEKTRUM: Empowerment cannot be taught, it can only be learned!

SPEKTRUM_ Empowerment cannot be taught, it can only be learned! 0-30 screenshot

Empowerment cannot be taught, it can only be learned! Since 4 Years „Spektrum“ stands as a model of Self-Organising Queer Group in Cologne. They providing a Safe Space for Queer people in Kalk, where they feel accepted, at home, and supported. Thank you to all the people that have decided to be part of this […]

Wer ist Spektrum überhaupt?

Die Jugendgruppe Spektrum arbeitet komplett ehrenamtlich und wird durch die Mitarbeitenden des Integrationshaus e.V. begleitet und unterstützt.

Stolz auf die Liebe!

QUEERS OF COLOR unity – community – solidarity! vereint – gemeinschaftlich – solidarisch unité – communauté – solidarité! اتحاد– مجتمع– تضامن единство – сообщество – солидарность InHaus & SPEKTRUM beim CSD 2019! Love it!